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Renfrewshire Council Business Property Search

Support provided by Renfrewshire Council Invest in Renfrewshire

What does this involve?

Renfrewshire Council offers a free property search service to help businesses that are planning to relocate to Renfrewshire and local businesses that are looking for more suitable premises in the area. 

Advisers will conduct a free property search to help you find premises that meet your specific size and location requirements, and you'll receive detailed property listings.

Am I eligible?

Yes, if you're a Renfrewshire-based business or are planning to relocate your business to the area.

What does this cost?

This service is free.

Who is this for?

Renfrewshire-based businesses or businesses that plan to relocate to the area.

How long does this take?

A business adviser will respond to your enquiry within 3 working days.

Next steps

Visit Renfrewshire Council website for more information.

Support provided by Renfrewshire Council Invest in Renfrewshire

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