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Screen Scotland - Market and Festival Attendance Fund

Support provided by Screen Scotland

What does this involve?

Screen Scotland will fund attendance at international festivals and markets, both in-person and online, for screenwriters, directors and producers based in Scotland. This will help them to meet potential partners, access global markets and promote their completed projects.

The Market and Festival Attendance Fund will also support in-person and online attendance at key UK markets and festivals where attendance presents a significant opportunity for the filmmaker or advances the realisation of projects in development.

The fund aims to support the continued development of a skilled and diverse screen workforce in Scotland. It fosters real professional opportunities and sustainable careers by supporting the professional and creative development of both emerging and established filmmaking talent and promoting their work and Scottish filmmaking internationally.

You can apply for support with:

  • registration at the market or festival
  • economy travel
  • accommodation
  • subsistence of up to a maximum of £30 per day, if needed
  • reasonable ground transportation costs 
  • reasonable promotional materials, up to a maximum of £250 
  • access costs, including childcare and digital, if required

Am I eligible?

Yes, if you are a writer, director or producer based in Scotland, with a relevant project in active development or a completed film screening in competition.

What does this cost?

It is free to apply.

Who is this for?

Film writers, directors or producers based in Scotland.

How long does this take?

Decisions will take up to 4 weeks from the date Screen Scotland receives your completed application form.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. There are no deadlines, but you should apply no later than 4 weeks before the festival or market you wish to attend. If you apply later than 4 weeks before the festival or market, your application may be refused.

Important information

If your application involves international travel, please check the Scottish Government website for any guidance on the location you are planning to travel to, as well as any guidance issued by that destination. You will need to refer to this in your application and risk plans.

For the avoidance of doubt, government guidance takes precedence over any statement by Screen Scotland.


Next steps

Visit the Screen Scotland site to download the guidance and application forms.

Support provided by Screen Scotland

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