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How to gather customer feedback using digital platforms

Support provided by Business Gateway

What does this involve?

This free guide looks at how you can use your digital platforms to help gather customer feedback. It explains how you can find out:

  • how customers want to buy from you
  • what new products or services customers want
  • the level of customer demand
  • if you will need to adapt again

Feedback from customers can be very useful if you're considering changing how your business operates – for example, by launching new products or services or using different ways of selling.

Am I eligible?

Yes – this information is for all businesses in Scotland.

What does this cost?

This is a free service.

Who is this for?

Any business based in Scotland.

How long does this take?

It will take 6 minutes to read the full guide.

Next steps

Visit the Business Gateway website to read the guide.

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