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Dundee City Council commercial property search

Support provided by Dundee City Council

What does this involve?

Dundee offers a wide range of commercial property options at competitive rental and purchase prices. Search the Dundee City Council commercial property database to find a range of business property options available across the area.

The city can offer serviced development land and modern commercial and industrial properties in high-quality business parks, industrial estates and specialist sites. This means you can find the best possible property solution for your business's needs.

Am I eligible?

Yes, if you are looking for commercial property or land in the Dundee City region. 

What does this cost?

This is a free service.

Who is this for?

This service is available to all businesses in Scotland that are looking to locate in the Dundee City region.

Next steps

Visit the Dundee City Council website for more information.

Support provided by Dundee City Council

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