What is Google Analytics 4 and what are my next steps
Last Updated: 01 Mar 2024
Support provided by
Business Gateway
What does this involve?
This free guide from Business Gateway explains what Google Analytics 4 is and how you can use the service for your business.
Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a new, updated version of Google's Universal Analytics. Google Analytics is a service offered by Google that tracks and reports on your website traffic to provide information on your website's performance.
This guide explains:
- what GA4 is
- why GA4 was launched
- how it is different from Universal Analytics
- what actions you'll need to take to use the service
- why you'll need to change to GA4
- how to set up GA4 for a new website
- how to add GA4 to your existing analytics
Am I eligible?
Yes - the information is for all businesses in Scotland.
What does this cost?
This is a free service.
Who is this for?
Any business based in Scotland.
How long does this take?
It will take around 6 minutes to read the guide.
Next steps
Visit the Business Gateway website to read the full guide.
Support provided by
Business Gateway