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Falkirk Council Expert Help

Support provided by Falkirk Council

What does this involve?

The Falkirk Council Expert Help scheme allows businesses to get support from a specialist to help them grow and develop their business for free. Businesses located in the Falkirk Council area will receive up to 3 days of fully-funded support, plus advice from experienced, qualified, professional experts. 

Support is available on the following topics:

  • marketing
  • IT
  • finance
  • procurement

Am I eligible?

This service is available to small or medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in the Falkirk Council area with less than 250 employees, that are are involved in the manufacturing or business-to-business sectors.

The retail and business-to-consumer sectors may be considered if their market is wider than the local area - for example, if they have implemented e-commerce platforms.

What does this cost?

This is a free service.

Who is this for?

Small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in the Falkirk Council area that are involved in manufacturing or business-to-business services.

How long does this take?

Once an application is received, businesses will usually get a decision within 2 weeks, if all the paperwork is correct.

Next steps

Visit the Falkirk Council website for more information.

Support provided by Falkirk Council

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