beReady programme
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2022
Support provided by
East Ayrshire Council
What does this involve?
The East Ayrshire Council beReady programme provides businesses in East Ayrshire with the advice and tools they need to grow through workshops and one-to-one support.
The programme offers practical, hands-on solutions to the challenges of growing a business. The integrated approach helps you make the best decisions to achieve the biggest business benefit. It also allows you to get financial assistance from East Ayrshire Council’s Business Grants Programme.
The programme will help businesses:
- make well-informed choices
- invest resources wisely
- build a better business
The programme provides specialist advice in 7 areas of business activity:
- beDigitalReady
- beFinanceReady
- beManagementReady
- bePeopleReady
- beProcurementReady
- beSalesReady
- beMarketingReady
Businesses participating in the beReady programme can get grant support to implement any business development projects identified through the programme. The maximum grant award is either £750 or £3,000. The minimum grant award is £500.
Businesses in the beDigitalReady stream may apply for funding for a digital marketing campaign or a new website. A business in the beMarketingReady stream may apply for a grant for marketing literature.
In addition to supporting beReady projects, grants are available to help with the costs of staff training, accreditations (including ISO) and attendance at national and international trade exhibitions.
A business can apply as often as necessary, but only after speaking to a beReady business adviser.
Am I eligible?
You are eligible if your business:
- is based in East Ayrshire
- is not account managed by Scottish Enterprise
Businesses must also satisfy at least 3 of the following 4 criteria:
- has a turnover greater than £200,000
- employs at least 5 people
- some percentage of your revenue is generated outside of Scotland
- falls within one of the key sectors for support
- technology and engineering
- food and drink
- tourism
- textiles
- energy (renewables)
- creative industries
- life sciences
- construction
- healthcare and biotechnology
- forest and timber
What does this cost?
The beReady programme is free to apply for.
For businesses that receive grant support, the grants will cover 40% of the eligible costs. You will need to cover the rest.
Who is this for?
All businesses based in East Ayrshire.
How long does this take?
There is no time limit on the support offered through the programme. Businesses can apply for this support as often as necessary.
Next steps
Visit the East Ayrshire Council website for more information on the programme.
Support provided by
East Ayrshire Council