Planning and development advice
Last Updated: 29 Nov 2021
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What does this involve?
NatureScot has a selection of guidance to help developers understand how a development may impact on nature, as well as the opportunities that nature offers. Find out about Environmental Impact Assessments, practical guidance to minimise environmental impacts, and who you can contact to discuss your proposals, external link which will open in a new windowopens in a new window.
New developments of all kinds can add positively to Scotland’s nature and landscapes, if planned and designed with care. Knowing how a development may impact on nature can guide its design and ensure that it’s sited in the right place. NatureScot offers advice on site selection, how to assess impacts, and the impacts of proposals.
NatureScot has a statutory role in environmental assessment and helps others in their roles by sharing data, guidance and advice. Environmental assessment covers all statutory processes to identify, assess and mitigate impacts on the environment.
What does this cost?
This is a free service.
Who is this for?
This information will be most relevant to those involved in the development process in Scotland.
How long does this take?
NatureScot's selection of development guidance covers a range of topics and includes documents of varying length. You can browse the resources at your own pace.
Next steps
Visit the NatureScot website to view all development guidance.
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