Glasgow City Council Tech Smart Meetup Subsidy
Last Updated: 04 Jul 2024
Support provided by
Glasgow City Council
Gov UK
UK Government Levelling Up - LOGO ONLY
What does this involve?
The Tech Smart Meetup Subsidy is a fund to support tech community events in Glasgow. Businesses that are organising events can apply for funding to cover costs such as catering and venue hire.
The grant can be used for activities such as tech meetups, founder events and hackathons.
This fund aims to support the setup of tech community events and encourage attendance from businesses in this sector.
This project is part funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
The maximum grant amount is £1,000. It will be paid in arrears, after the event has taken place.
Am I eligible?
To be eligible for the grant, your business must:
- be a tech start-up or small or medium-sized enterprise, as defined in the Companies Act 2006
- provide evidence that the activity is planned or has taken place
- provide proof of purchases, such as receipts and bank statements
- demonstrate the event is within the Glasgow City boundary
- have a business bank account
- demonstrate the event is free to attend
Applicants are not eligible if they are:
- undischarged bankrupts
- subject to insolvency proceedings
- an individual who has entered into an arrangement with his or her creditors (including a trust deed)
What does this cost?
The grant will cover up to 100% of the eligible costs of a project, to a maximum of £1,000. This will be paid in arrears, after the event has taken place, so businesses must be prepared to cover the total cost upfront.
Who is this for?
Glasgow businesses in the tech sector.
How long does this take?
You will be contacted within 10 working days of submitting your completed online application.
Important information
The grants cannot be used for speaker fees or other speaker-related costs.
Next steps
Visit the Glasgow City Council website for more information and to apply.
Support provided by
Glasgow City Council
Gov UK
UK Government Levelling Up - LOGO ONLY