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Free carbon baseline measurement for Glasgow businesses

Support provided by Glasgow City Council UK Shared Prosperity Fund - LOGO ONLY

What does this involve?

Glasgow businesses can get a free carbon baseline report measuring their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through the Extend Plus programme from Glasgow City Council, offered in partnership with the University of Strathclyde.

This report provides a foundation for businesses to understand their current carbon footprint. It also offers recommendations on how you can reduce your carbon emissions, and explains your potential cost savings and how many tonnes of CO2 you could save per year.

Having a carbon baseline helps businesses understand their current carbon emissions and track any changes and progress over time. It can help you set goals, monitor your performance, and develop effective strategies to reduce your emissions and contribute to sustainability and climate goals.

Am I eligible?

To be eligible for this service, you should be one of the following:

  • a community interest company
  • a limited company
  • a limited liability partnership
  • a public limited company
  • a sole trader
  • a registered social enterprise 

Community groups and voluntary organisations are not eligible.

You should also:   

  • employ fewer than 250 employees
  • have a turnover of no more than £36,000,000 per year
  • operate from within the Glasgow City Council boundaries
  • have your business premises registered with the Non Domestic Rates office within Glasgow City Council
  • comply with the Minimal Financial Assistance threshold of £315,000 over the current and the previous 2 financial years
  • not engage in activities such as gambling or other industries that could be considered unethical

Businesses that possess undischarged bankrupts or are subject to insolvency proceedings, or individuals who have entered an arrangement with their creditors (including a trust deed) are not eligible.

What does this cost?

This is a free service. There is no upfront cost to businesses and no financial contribution is required.

Who is this for?

Businesses in the Glasgow City Council area that employ fewer than 250 people and have a turnover of no more than £36,000,000 per year.

How long does this take?

After you complete the online application form, Glasgow City Council will contact you within 3 working days.

Important information

Glasgow City Council’s Extend Plus Programme is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Next steps

Visit the Glasgow City Council website for more information and to submit an application.

Support provided by Glasgow City Council UK Shared Prosperity Fund - LOGO ONLY