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Funding to assess project feasibility

Support provided by Scottish Enterprise

What does this involve?

This grant is available to businesses that currently work with Scottish Enterprise through their dedicated account management and specialist teams.

The funding will let businesses employ short-term staff or work with consultants with specialist skills to help assess how feasible a new venture might be.

Businesses don't always know what return on investment they'll get when they introduce a new product, or how likely their product or service is to succeed in a new international market.

The grant will help businesses to:

  • identify ways to improve their innovation, efficiency and sustainability
  • assess the impact of introducing new workplace practices
  • understand the potential impact of new products, services and processes
  • identify and analyse the potential impact of future capital expenditure and investment
  • assess opportunities for entry to new markets

The grant can be used for projects that support Scottish Enterprise’s priority outcomes, which include an increase in:

  • productivity levels, to increase the competitiveness of Scottish businesses
  • innovation
  • investment
  • international trade

Projects must also focus on one or more of Scottish Enterprise's priority areas, or missions. This means each project should help to (at least one of the following):

  • create an internationally competitive energy transition industry in Scotland 
  • improve innovation in future high-growth industries in Scotland 
  • increase capital investment to improve Scotland’s productivity

Am I eligible?

You're eligible if your company:

  • is supported through Scottish Enterprise's account management or specialist support services 
  • ideally has more than 10 employees (but this can vary depending on the priority area your project focuses on)
  • is based in an area of Scotland served by Scottish Enterprise - that is, Aberdeen City and Shire, the east of Scotland, Tayside and the west of Scotland

The grants will cover up to 70% of your eligible project costs. Eligible costs include the hiring of:

  • consultants (not on your payroll)
  • temporary specialists (on your payroll, but cannot include existing staff)
  • graduate placements (on your payroll)

Projects must also focus on one or more of the Scottish Enterprise priority areas, or missions. This means each project should help to (at least one of the following):

  • create an internationally competitive energy transition industry in Scotland 
  • improve innovation in future high-growth industries in Scotland 
  • increase capital investment to improve Scotland’s productivity

What does this cost?

There is no cost to apply.

Grant amounts range from £2,000 to £25,000 and will cover up to 70% of your eligible project costs. You will need to cover the remaining costs through other sources.

You will also need to pay for the project upfront, then submit a claim for your eligible costs by an agreed date to receive your grant.

This support will count towards your minimal financial assistance (MFA) allowance.

Who is this for?

Companies that currently work with the Scottish Enterprise account management or specialist support services. 

How long does this take?

This funding is only available during the current financial year.

Projects must be completed in full by 31 March 2025, and all costs paid for by that date. Final claims should be submitted by 30 April 2025.

Your appointed Scottish Enterprise account manager or specialist adviser will explain the process in more detail once your eligibility has been confirmed.

Important information

Please provide a short description of your project to your appointed Scottish Enterprise account manager or specialist adviser to help assess your eligibility.

If your adviser feels your project meets the eligibility criteria, you will be encouraged to complete an application form.

Next steps

Submit an enquiry and an adviser will be in touch to discuss your needs.

Support provided by Scottish Enterprise